Partnering with Tomorrow can improve the healthcare outcomes and reputation of your RACF.

We provide a comprehensive, team-based healthcare service for the residents of RACFs, including regular medication reviews, health assessments, dementia care, multidisciplinary care conferences, advanced care planning and specialist referrals.

Here’s what you can expect as a partner of Tomorrow:

  • A holistic healthcare service for RACFs to improve patient outcomes and maximise peace-of-mind for relatives and home staff;

  • Improved quality of life for residents through diagnosis and management of treatable conditions;

  • Vaccine programs to protect against preventable diseases such as influenza, pneumococcal pneumonia and shingles;

  • Continuity of care to increase familiarity for patients and their families;

  • Reasonable contactability of our practice for staff and patient relatives;

  • Regular consultations based on clinical need, minimising the risk of hospitalisations, medication errors and health complications;

  • Documentation and instructions provided to facility staff to allow for optimal, continuing care while minimising administration;

  • Batched consultation timetable to minimise disruption to home operations.

Contact us to talk about how we can maximise the effectiveness of your healthcare offering while being responsive to your operational needs.

Nurses and carers need support too.

We know that working as a nurse or carer at an aged care facility is demanding and requires dedication. Tomorrow’s success is dependent not only on the quality of the medical care we provide, but the peace of mind we can give to those caring for our patients within the home.

You can expect us to talk to you about individual patient needs and what we can do to decrease administrative work for you. Within the available resources, we pledge to work be contactable, friendly and helpful. Our handovers will put an emphasis on being clear, and we’ll give you the opportunity to be involved in case conferences.

For homes where we have a higher proportion of patients, our doctors and practice management may hold information events with staff to gather group feedback with the ultimate aim of supporting you in the support you provide every day.


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